Sunday, April 6, 2008

9 Month Check Up

The Babies had their 9 Month check this week. It was a great appointment because they just get weighed, measured, checked for development - but - no shots! Yeah.

For the first time in 36 weeks (the time they were in my belly) and 9 Months - Wyatt is officially bigger than Teagan! This is big. As Baby A she has always been the bigger baby in utero and after they were born. But now, he is the bigger baby. He can officially begin his reign as her "big brother."

Here are their latest stats:
30 Inches Long (95%)
21 Pounds 14 Ounces (75%)

29 Inches Long (90%)
21 Pounds 9 Ounces (90%)

These are the babies in their pajamas getting ready for bedtime. Their new favorite hangout is the hallway on the way to the nursery. I give them lots of balls and they chase 'em up and down the hallway.

Wyatt's four top teeth have made their way in. He gets very excited and screams at stuff all the time these days. He is really starting to talk a lot more in the last week or so.
Too cute. Teagan is fearless. She really will just go anywhere - pull herself up on anything - crawl across anything to get to where she wants to go.... including a basket of toys.

This is the famous learning table that they used to have to sit in their bumbo chairs to play with. Now they love to stand at it and play with it. They love toys they can stand at. Makes 'em feel like "big kids" I bet.
Both the babies LOVE music. Teagan is really fond of her toy music cube right now however because she can stand at it - rock it - and make it play songs. Thanfully it has a "low/high" volume setting. :-) How many times can a person hear "The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go...." without going insane?! Or at least without repeating it in your head when you go to sleep at night?!This is the baby gate to our bedroom. Often times this is the only safe place for the dogs to hang out in the house...their only sanctuary. But the babies have figured out the dogs are in there...and they LOVE to "talk" to the doggies. So they always cruise to the gate in the morning to see if the dogs are there.

OK - my son is a product of his father. Clearly. I know this because Wyatt is in love with the television. The minute Baby Einstein comes on - Mr. Wyatt Clinton comes from anywhere in the house to watch it. Mind you - they only get to watch TV about two or three times a week - so it is very special. But seriously, the love of the TV is genetic. Duh.

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