Friday, February 26, 2010

Official E.R. Trip

It is official: we have been indoctrinated into the world of parenthood.

Wyatt fell off a barstool yesterday afternoon and hit the other barstool on the way down…in the process of hitting the other barstool he split his lower lip open. Immediately when he fell I went around the counter and found him on the floor – blood everywhere. I grabbed him - some paper towels – and tried to see how bad it was. I quickly realized it was bad and we needed to head to the Emergency Room.

What does one do with a child that has a split lip that is bleeding profusely and you are alone? Well, you put everyone in the car and book it to the nearest ER. At least, that is what I did!

I guess it was our dumb luck but it was rush hour at the ER and we were deemed not as critical as some of the other people there so we waited for 3 hours to be seen.

Once we did get seen we were told he would require stitches and that they would need to put him out to do it because he would probably not sit through it quietly. So I requested to see if there was anyone from Plastic Surgery that would be available to do the stitches since it was right on his lip line. I know he will have a scar – this is obvious – but at least I wanted his lip line to match up and not be all wonky!

Lucky for us, someone was available and he arrived a mere 10 minutes later. So we were ushered to our own room, Wyatt was prepped/hooked up to monitors and then he was put out. The Dr. did a great job: 7 stitches in total. Wyatt woke up about ½ hour later and was certainly out of it.

By the time we got home it was almost midnight. Travis slept with Wyatt last night just to make sure everything was OK and there were no side effects from the medication. Wyatt asked several times during the night if “his boo boo was gone”. Then this morning he asked me, very politely: “Can you please take it off?”

Sorry bud, this one is going to be there for a while… This was Wyatt and Teagan during the warm days in the beginning of the month.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First Day of "PlaySchool"

Today was the first day of "playschool". It is an introductory class to "preschool". They will officially be starting preschool this fall, in August. But in the meantime, I thought we would take a class that was being offered by our local community for 2 1/2 to 3 year olds (that are potty trained) for them to get the feel of being without Mommy for a couple of hours. It is not much, just 9:15 - 11:15, so two hours of playing with other kids, singing songs, painting = fun kid stuff.
The teacher said they did great. Wyatt got a little anxious as to where we were, but neither of them cried. Both did great telling the teacher if they had to potty. They even told us all about it later that night. Then Wyatt did a magic trick at the dinner table, he put his napkin over his milk and said: "Abara-ca-dabera...I will make my milk disappear!" Travis and I looked at each other in amazement...they are really growing up so fast. They will be 3 in June...where does the time go?!
Your guess is as good as mine for this one:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fashion Week

We have a very dear friend that lives in Manhattan and is the center of “it” all. She will, undoubtedly, be attending several of the hottest shows during the upcoming fashion week. She will know everyone in the audience, she will have many intelligent conversations about the merits of each designers show, she will have educated opinions on the designs that each designer puts forth.

So I ask you Gretchen: are these two ready for fashion week or what??!!!