Monday, June 18, 2007

34 Weeks and Holding

Well, now I have made it to 34 weeks! Yippee! Honestly - and I know this is going to sound odd - it is still sort of surreal that I am pregnant. It still surprises me when I look in the mirror and see my big belly! LOL

We had somewhat of a crazy week this week with all the Dr. apts. Baby B (Wyatt) is having a tough time passing the Non-Stress Tests at my Dr.s office. So he was thinking we would have to go for a c-section this weekend if things were not OK. So we went up to CPMC to see our specialist on Wednesday. We learned that Baby A (Teagan) is weighing in at 5.6 lbs and Wyatt is weighing in around 4.4 lbs. So although he is not gaining as fast as her - he is still gaining and they are not worried. We also went for another test that day called the Bio-Physical Profile. He passed that with flying colors - he got a 10 out of a 10. So everyone was in agreement that the C-section was not necessary. Both the babies look great - and are doing great.

For now - that means that we wait. Wait another week till the 35 week mark to see how things are going.

Things with me are OK. I am pretty uncomfortable these days. I only sleep about five hours a night because I get up every hour to use the bathroom...and then it is hard to get comfortable...and hard to get back asleep. I am definitely ready! LOL! Never thought I would be anxious to get the babies out - but I am so uncomfortable these days - that I am ready. Travis is just excited. He is so excited to just get the babies is very sweet.

We are ready for them though. The room is ready - and we are ready!

I will update more as we learn more.

Love you!!